Why dont my surname match my dna matches
Why dont my surname match my dna matches

why dont my surname match my dna matches

Pazmashen was an entirely Armenian village approximately nine miles west of the Kharpert fortress. Pazmashen Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, Pazmashen Example of the genesis of Armenian surnames for one family Yet, there are some fascinating oral histories available that detail the surname progression of particular families, and it is here that opportunities exist for study. Thus, Armenian Y-DNA matches will most likely not share the same surname. As families grew and divided into separate households, most often they would take on the name of their patriarch. However, in the Armenian context, surnames were mostly a 19 th century development and were rarely maintained across generations. In western cultures where surnames have a longer tradition than in Armenian families, one could use a Y-DNA test to confirm the relationship of those sharing a surname. Interpretation of Genetic Distance for Y-DNA 111 Marker Test Here is the comparable table for the Y-DNA111 test. Interpretation of Genetic Distance for Y-DNA 67 Marker Test The following table is a more detailed explanation for the Y-DNA67 test. For genetic distance of one, the MRCA will be within six generations 90-percent of the time and within three generations 50-percent of the time. A match of genetic distance of zero on the Y-DNA111 will have MRCA within four generations 90-percent of the time and within two generations 50-percent of the time. Currently, you are limited to a 37 (Y-DNA37) or 111 (Y-DNA111) marker test, though those testing previously had more options. The more markers compared, the more costly the test, and the more refined the timeline of MRCA. There are different levels of Y-DNA testing that can be purchased. In addition, whereas the MRCA for an autosomal test can be anywhere across your family tree, the MRCA for a Y-DNA or mtDNA match can only be one person in each generation (e.g., only one of your eight great-grandparents, one of your 16 great-great-grandparents, etc.). The mtDNA mutates even more slowly and, thus, even less can be discerned from matches. However, in the case of a Y-DNA match, the MRCA for even an exact match may be centuries ago. For example, those sharing greater than 50 centimorgans (cm) of DNA will, with high probability, be fourth cousins or closer in relationship. An autosomal DNA match, depending on the amount of shared DNA, will most likely share a MRCA within five to six generations, though occasionally small segments will be passed down over longer periods. The objective is to determine the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) with those who share your DNA. There is a comparable mitochondrial DNA test (mtDNA) for direct maternal ancestry which both men and women can take, but it is even more limited in usefulness for genealogical research. It is rarely ordered because of its limited use for genealogical purposes and higher cost.

why dont my surname match my dna matches

This test is only offered by FamilyTreeDNA. Unlike autosomal DNA testing (e.g.,, 23andMe, FamilyTreeDNA, etc.) which supplies information on all ancestors within a certain time period, Y-DNA testing only supplies information on direct paternal ancestry (e.g., father, paternal grandfather, great-great grandfather, and so on). In this article, I offer analysis of another infrequently used DNA test. I have often supplied in presentations and articles the explanations for why DNA testing is so important in the process of repairing the ruptures in our family histories caused by the Genocide.

why dont my surname match my dna matches

Regardless, if this is the driving force for more Armenians to DNA test, all the better.

why dont my surname match my dna matches

It is outside the scope of this article to discuss the caution that should be employed when viewing such results. People fixate on the varied ethnicity estimates of each company and how they differ from their perception and self-identity. The advertising campaigns of these companies promote this service and feed these hopes. Unfortunately, most people are drawn to DNA testing with the promise of identifying their ethnicity make-up. The advent of commercially available DNA testing has opened up opportunities, previously unimagined, for Armenians to learn more about their family histories.

Why dont my surname match my dna matches